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Smooth Sailing Workshop

Designed to help dating or married couples, those who are already in a secure relationship, or couples who are looking to start over fresh and overcome pain/resentment. Couples will participate in a relationship evaluation, identifying strengths and areas for growth, learn a fresh approach to communicating in a way that helps each person feel seen and heard, and define a shared foundation of trust, intimacy and values that is unique to them.

  • Helping parents and young adults work together to navigate the next phase of life.
  • Create boundaries and expectations when living independently and with each other
  • Helping parents transition from role of manager to mentor
  • Helping young adults learn individual communication styles and the best way to communicate with each other

Cost – $800 per young adult and two parents
Where – 17210 Campbell Rd, Ste 175, Dallas, TX 75252
Facilitators – Kari Knott, LPC

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