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Couples will participate in a relationship evaluation, identifying strengths and areas for growth, learn a fresh approach to communicating in a way that helps each person feel seen and heard, and define a shared foundation of trust, intimacy and values that is unique to them.

  • Part I- Getting on the Same Page: Feb 11, March 4, April 8, May 6, July 15, Sep 9
  • Part II- Now We’re Talking!: April 1, June 3, Sep 30
  • Part III- Let’s Talk About Sex: June 24

Part 1 will begin on Feb 11 from 9:30-4:00. The cost is $750 per couple per part. 3-4 couples maximum. Lunch will be provided. Couples can attend only the first part or all parts.

Here is the Paypal link for couples to sign up:

Relationship Intensive

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